
The unspoilt nature of Hiiumaa, privacy and picturesque beaches attract more and more visitors.


“KALURI PUHKEMAJA” is a peculiar guesthouse, which is situated at Sõru Harbour, in the village of Pärna, Emmaste parish. Our guesthouse is one of the buildings that formed a harbour in the last century. It was reconstructed during the project “The Sustainable Development of Fisheries Areas”. The second floor with two bedrooms, cosy and spacious lounge with a kitchenette downstairs, a sauna with a wooden heating, toilets and a bathroom were built. The rooms upstairs are full of light and have a marvellous sea view. In good weather Saaremaa will be also seen.


Puhkemajaks kohaldati endine elektrijaama hoone, mis kunagi sadamakompleksi energiaga varustas , ülekantud tähenduses on esialgne kasutusotstarve säilinud – maandada külastajate argipinged ja laadida akud uute ideede elluviimiseks. Head eeldused selleks loob Kalurimaja hubane sisekujundus, kamin, avar ruumipaigutus, merelähedus ja sadamapiirkonna miljööväärtuslik kujundus.


The former fish processing department has also changed its function: instead of fish baskets and barrels of salted herring there is a pub (‘Paadikuur’), where different concerts are held, Midsummer Eve is celebrated, weddings are thrown…


The ferry operates on the line Hiiumaa-Saaremaa. Sõru harbour also services small boats and yachts. There is a beach, children’s playground, shop and maritime museum.


This is still a harbour where local fishermen deal with small-scale coastal fishing. One of the purposes of establishing our guesthouse was to introduce fishing opportunities and equipment to visitors in Sõru. In good weather there may be a chance to go fishing with local fishermen and later cook delicious food from the catch in the guesthouse. It is also possible to rent a boat for recreational fishing. The self-caught fish usually tastes the best!

‘Kalurimaja’ offers refreshing rest, interesting pastime and entertainment. Welcome!

  • 2 bedrooms: 2 single beds in smaller room, 1 double bed and 2 single beds in bigger room
  • Sheets and towels are provided
  • Kitchenette (a refrigerator, electric cooker, coffeemaker, electric kettle, dishwasher, tableware)
  • Spacious lounge with cast iron fireplace
  • Sauna (with heated bricks). shower, 2 toilets
  • Music center
  • Washing machine
  • Õues võimalik kasutada söegrilli
  • No Smoking inside the guesthouse!
  • Check-in kokkuleppel, check-out 12:00
Come and spend a great holiday in Southern Hiiumaa at a cozy holiday house!
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